First Floor - Ships and Ship Owners

Ships and Ship Owners at  Maritime MuseumThis section features ship-owning families based in , including the Ritson’s and the Hine family, who founded the Holme Line in 1873.  Ships such as the Abbey Holme, Myrtle Holme and Isel Holme carried steel rails to Canada and brought back grain and timber.  Several small yards came and went but the big four shipyards in ; Woods, Peats, Middleton's and Ritson's, dominated the industry for decades. 


Ships & Ship Owners

Displays at the  Maritime Museum

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Opening Times

April to October: Open Tuesday and Thursday to Sunday - 11am - 4.00pm





Free while in our temporary location at

Group visits: Advance booking recomended
Harbour tours:  By arrangement
School visits:  By arrangement.


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